
St. Jerome: Commentary on Ecclesiastes is unavailable, but you can change that!

This first English translation of St. Jerome’s Commentary on Ecclesiastes includes a discussion by the translators that elucidates the difficulties of Jerome’s text, but also presents an original view of Jerome’s hermeneutical approach to the theological issues raised by this challenging book of the Bible.

(in line with all the above interpretations) give greater honor to the wisdom they despise, and to words to which none of them thinks fit to listen.* 9:17 The words of the wise are heard in quietness, more than the clamor of one having power among fools. Whenever you see anyone loud-mouthed in the church, stirring applause, raising a laugh, and working his hearers up into a happy mood by means of a kind of meretricious charm of language, take it that that is a sign of senselessness on the speaker’s
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